Monday, November 28, 2011

Is anyone out there listening? Hello? Can we all just have a little common sense?

Ok, so now we have a 6 year old, YES THAT'S NOT A MIS-PRINT, THE BOY IS FUCKING 6 YEARS OLD, that has been charged with sexual assault. Not only has he been charged, but the little girl whom he is accused of "assaulting" by putting his finger in her anus while playing doctor, has said that he only touched her on the outside. So let me get this straight, the boy says he didn't do this, the girl says he didn't do this, but because her parents feel that he did(it's been said they are well known political figures) he's been charged with a crime that could leave him with a black mark for life....for the next 100 years this boy could have to register as a sex offender, alert every town police department when he changes residences so they are aware, choose his residence based on the location and proximity of schools and daycares in the area and other necessary precautions against sex offenders, NOT A 6 YEAR OLD.

My Take: Alright, for this post i'm going to just call the boy TOM(THIS IS NOT HIS REAL NAME PEOPLE) so let's figure this out....Did Tom do anything wrong? Yes. What would I do if I had walked in and it was my daughter in this situation being touched? I would be very angry, I probably would yell and maybe even tell Tom's parents he is no longer allowed to be anywhere that my daughter is or i'm going to file a report so it's on record or something. Hopefully, once I calmed down and thought what's happened through, along with hearing the parents explanation, hopefully after they called to apologize and I accepted while we talked like adults, I realized that Tom had himself been to the doctors and had a rectal exam. Unfortunately he didn't realize this wasn't something that should be going on and he was repeating what happened, just as kids often do. Tom parents assured me that not only would the kids not leave their sight but Tom feels terrible about everything that happened and wants to apologize to my daughter(meanwhile she doesn't even know anything wrong happened until I sat her down).

This would be an ideal scenario, obviously when it's your own kids it's a scary situation, we will always fear the worst, hope for the best, hopefully we have made sure our kids are playing with other children that have responsible parents, are being monitored appropriately and everything was immediately resolved and the kids now know the difference between what a real doctor does and what playing your allowed to do.

 I don't see how with the facts we've learned about the case in the article a charge of sexual assault can be made. THE BOY IS 6 YEARS OLD, clearly there was a reason that he was doing this, as stated above, he's had it done to him, didn't realize anything was wrong, now that he knows i'm sure it won't happen again. I'm not a professional though, to be safe how about we send him to counsiling to ease his anxiety with the entire situation now, it's obviously hurting both of the children. Let's be the adults and get them the help they need instead of fighting like 6 year olds. Sound like a good plan? I'm amazed at how childish parents can get when they don't get what they want. Is this something you want to happen to your child? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Is this something that your going to make worse but making national headlines? ABSOLUTELY! 

I hope both these kids get the help they need, it sounds like at least they both have loving homes, which is more then a lot of abused kids can say.


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