Monday, October 24, 2011

BBC News - Give An Hour: Opening up a new world

BBC News - Give An Hour: Opening up a new world:

'via Blog this'

Summary: The "Give an hour" campaign is encouraging people to give an hour of their time to spend with people who have NEVER or basically never used the internet. It seems like EVERYONE is online, especially with the increase of the social networks and the visability of them combined with the fact that computer prices have dropped thousands from when they first came on the market. In London out of the 10% of people who have not used a computer in their life 43% are over the age of 55 and without someone to bridge the gap this can lead to isolation and frustration.

My take: This seems like a great program and a fantastic idea. I can remember learning the basics myself and how big of a deal it was when we got a computer room in my elementary school back 15-20 years ago. Now there are millions or options and i'm sure it's very confusing for that older generation that hasn't been exposed to them, imagine how daunting just walking through the computer section of Best Buy would be. Article is def worth the read and I commend them for the innovative thinking. I believe I heard something in my local town about having a class at our senior center to teach computer basics actually so that's something i'm going to look into. As always, let's try and help other people in our neighborhoods, someday you could need something and they will be there for you too, pass it on and it will come back over and over....

+Joshua Hastings

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