Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's 3 simple words but you deserve so much more "I love you"

Sometimes we all forget just how lucky we are to have someone in our life that loves us unconditionally, is always there whether you struck out in your
little league game, missed the game winning shot in the basketball game, tripped
and fumbled and cost your team the football game, got a C on the paper you spent
all night writing, waiting till the last minute to tell them about the cookies
your supposed to bring to the party for the whole football team, or even if you
call at 3 am needing a ride home because you don't think you should

My mom has been there for me through everything above and that is just a
small slice of what we have been through together, I will never take what she
has done for granted and I smile just thinking of how amazing she is. Anyone who
is lucky enough to spend time with my mother knows immediately why I feel this
way. From giving friends a place to sleep when they had no where else to go,
offering rides to friends that couldn't call their own parents and bother them
when they have work in the morning because they can't drive even though she gets
up everyday at 4:30 am for work, and everything in between that I can't fit in
this short story or it would be 1,000 pages. I can't put into words how
important you and everything you have done has meant to me but you've taught me
what it means to be a good person, about morality, standing up for what I
believe in even if its not popular and being kind to everyone whether you agree
with them or not you can always treat them with respect.

Now this time I have 4 words that you deserve to hear more but I will never let you hear
them less, I LOVE YOU MOM.

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